East Immanuel has a legacy of standing for God's Truth.
At its most basic, this church has stood for the sanctity of God's Word
(the Bible), the sanctity of life (which starts at conception), and the
sanctity of marriage (with the definition of one man, one woman).
While we Love all people, we believe them to be made in the image of
God and created equal, not all ideas are equal and we will stand for
God's Truth no matter what society or popular opinion may say.
We stand upon the Rock (the Lord Jesus) and His Word, and not upon the "shifting sands" of our time.
East Immanuel is committed to serving Jesus Christ as an Army of Disciples that will affect the world for Him through the worship of God, witness to the world, and a ministry of love to one another.
East Immanuel accepts all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as whole and in all their parts as the divinely inspired, revealed, and inerrant Word of God and submits to this as the only infallible authority in all matters of faith and life. (Taken from East Immanuel Lutheran Church Constitution).
We Teach "Essential Doctrine Made Easy" by Norman Geisler to all new members.
Pastor Chris Monson
It is truly an honor and privilege to serve God and the Kingdom of Heaven here at East Immanuel. My family and I have been at East Immanuel for over 15 years and love the ministry. It is an exciting time to share the love and truth of Christ to the community.
We believe the church is called to be "salt and light," and He has called East Immanuel to be just that in such a time as this. We stand on the timeless truths of scripture and on the foundation that is Christ (see Matthew 7). We stand against anything that would twist, modify, or water down God's Word. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we strive to teach Christ crucified and how to live in the power of His resurrection.
My goal is to share the transformational and eternal, life-giving message of our Savior through verse-by-verse teaching, holding to the promise of Isaiah 55:11, "that my word that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return void, but accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."
No matter who you are, or where you are in your faith journey, we would love to have you join us and experience the amazing grace of God!
For the Glory of God - Pastor Chris Monson
Youth Director Marquita Walter
We welcome our new
Youth Director.
We are thankful in so many ways to have such a wonderful teacher with us.